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We formed Back Off Scotland in 2020 to campaign for the Scottish Government to introduce 150 metre 'buffer zones' (protest-free areas) around clinics that provide abortion services across Scotland.


For many years, patients seeking abortion services across Scotland have faced intimidation and harassment from protesters when accessing sexual and reproductive health services.

The right to privacy and right to access legal, essential medical services should be protected, not threatened by anti-choice activity. New legislation is needed urgently to keep people safe from protestors. We believe that the only way to do this is through national legislation, and not patchwork bans like the Scottish Government deem appropriate.


Laws already in place are not enough. The police do not have the powers to prevent this harassment. Neither do local councils. With the creation of 150m buffer zones, people will be safer when seeking medical care.


This is not about preventing freedom of speech or silencing either side of a debate. It's about ensuring people’s right to seek medical care, free from intimidation. It's about keeping medical matters of an individual between them and their medical professional.

Click here for more information and first-hand experiences


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